Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

What services do you offer?

We offer 1-1 tutoring in all subjects K-12, K-12microschool, and Kids/Teen art classes.

What is Kreative Confidence Microschool?

Kreative Confidence Microschool is an innovative educational institution focused on nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and confidence in young learners through a personalized, project-based curriculum.

What age groups do you serve?

We currently serve children from kindergarten through middle school, tailoring our programs to meet the developmental needs and interests of each age group. We plan to move up with students and offer a hybrid high school option in the future. 

What makes your curriculum unique?

Our curriculum integrates arts, sciences, and technology, promoting hands-on, experiential learning. We focus on developing both academic skills and creative thinking, encouraging students to explore their passions and solve real-world problems.

 How do you ensure individualized attention?

With small class sizes and a low student-to-teacher ratio, we provide personalized attention and support. Our educators are dedicated to understanding and nurturing each child's unique strengths and interests.

 What is project-based learning?

Project-based learning is an instructional approach where students engage in meaningful projects that require critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. These projects often address real-world challenges, making learning relevant and engaging.

 How do you integrate technology into the classroom?

We use technology as a tool to enhance learning, not replace it. Our students have access to various digital resources, programs, and interactive tools that complement our hands-on activities and projects.

 What qualifications do your teachers have?

Our teachers are highly qualified professionals with backgrounds in education, arts, sciences, and technology. They are passionate about fostering a love of learning and creativity in their students.

 How do you support social and emotional development?

We emphasize a holistic approach to education, incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) into our daily activities. Our goal is to help students develop self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills.

How do you differentiate instruction for mixed age groups?

At Kreative Confidence Microschool, we embrace the diversity of mixed-age groups as a unique advantage. We differentiate instruction through: 

1.Personalized Learning Plans: Each student receives an individualized learning plan tailored to their specific needs, strengths, and interests. This ensures that all students are challenged appropriately and can progress at their own pace.

2. Flexible Grouping: Students are grouped flexibly based on their skills, interests, and project requirements rather than strictly by age. This allows for more dynamic interactions and learning experiences.

3. Project-Based Learning: Our project-based approach naturally accommodates different skill levels and learning styles. Projects are designed to be open-ended, allowing students to contribute in ways that align with their abilities and interests.

4. Mentorship Opportunities: Older students often take on mentorship roles, helping to guide and support younger students. This not only reinforces their own learning but also fosters a collaborative and supportive community.

5. Diverse Learning Resources: We provide a variety of learning materials and resources that cater to different levels of understanding, ensuring that every student can access content that is appropriate for their stage of development.

How do you ensure that younger students feel safe with older middle school kids in the program?

Safety and well-being are our top priorities at Kreative Confidence Microschool. We ensure a safe and nurturing environment for younger students by:

1. Structured Supervision: Our educators and staff closely supervise all activities, ensuring that interactions between age groups are positive and supportive.

2.  Security Devices: Cameras are placed inside and outside of classroom/school and monitored. 

3. Positive School Culture: We cultivate a culture of respect, kindness, and inclusion. Older students are taught to be role models, demonstrating empathy and responsibility towards their younger peers.

4. Clear Behavior Expectations: We establish clear guidelines for behavior and interaction. All students are educated on these expectations, which helps maintain a harmonious and safe environment.

4. Separate Spaces: While we encourage mixed-age interactions, we also provide designated areas and times for age-specific activities, allowing younger students to have their own space when needed.

5. Conflict Resolution Training: Our program includes social and emotional learning components, teaching all students effective communication and conflict resolution skills. This helps prevent and address any issues that may arise.

6. Parental Involvement: We keep parents informed and involved in their child's education and well-being. Regular communication ensures that any concerns are promptly addressed.

By fostering a community where every student feels valued and supported, we create an environment where younger and older students can learn and grow together safely and confidently.

 What extracurricular activities do you offer?

We offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including art, music, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). These activities provide additional opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop new skills.

What field trips do you offer and how often?

We try to schedule one field trip every month usually on Fridays and incorporate it into our unit studies based on student interests. 

How do you involve parents in the learning process?

We believe in strong parent-school partnerships. We regularly communicate with parents through newsletters, meetings, and events. We also encourage parent involvement in school activities and projects.

 What is the enrollment process?

Our enrollment process begins with an interest form , followed by a family interview/ student trial day and a student assessment to ensure a good fit, and a signed contract and registration fee. For detailed information, contact us.

What are your tuition fees?

Tuition fees vary depending on the program and age group. For detailed information on tuition and financial aid options, please contact us.

How can I schedule a visit?

We welcome prospective families to visit our school. Please contact us to schedule a tour of our school meet us. We look forward to showing you what makes Kreative Confidence Microschool a special place for learning and growth.

For any additional questions or more information, please contact us at 480-298-7150. We look forward to hearing from you!

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